YOUropean Week 2021

The IPLI Foundation was honored to support the YOUropean Week 2022 initiative organized by Catholic University of Louvain.

EPPC: Syncing Societies - Exploring the Intersections of Tech and Policy

The IPLI Foundation was honored to sponsor and participate in the 11th anniversary edition of the European Public Policy Conference, which took place at the IE School of Global and Public Affairs in Madrid, Spain.

EU Budgetary Policy and The Multi Annual Financial Framework

As part of its ongoing Symposia Series, in cooperation with College Albert le Grand at the Catholic University of Louvain, the IPLI Foundation organized a discussion with Delia Dogaru, a policy officer in the DG Budget of the European Commission.

EU Energy Policies

As part of its ongoing Symposia Series, the IPLI Foundation was honored to organize, in cooperation with the Institute for European Studies at Université catholique de Louvain, an event on EU energy policies featuring distinguished guest speaker Jean-Pol Poncelet, former vice prime minister, minister of defense and energy minister of Belgium.

Cybersecurity: New Frontiers for Policy Making and Global Governance

As part of its ongoing Symposia Series, the IPLI Foundation invited the GDI Foundation to discuss the evolving threat of hacking, its implications for global governance, and the increasingly important role that cybersecurity must play in addressing public policy changes.